Letter to a friend on her promotion

This is a letter written back in April 2001 to a friend after hearing of her promotion…

My dearest friend –

Good news travels quickly – congratulations on your promotion!  Just a few thoughts as you move into your new role.

First – remember where you came from.  All of the employees are looking to you to be their advocate and support.  They need guidance, assistance and at times a little shove.  Think of their perspective when decision time comes.

Second – spend time to think and to listen.  You are the one with the vision and as the new leader, you must project that in all instances.  It doesn’t mean you have all the answers or exactly know where you are going all the time, but you must show some courage and fortitude when it comes time to decisions.  Most, not all, will line up behind you.  The department is yours to mold and to grow.  Listen to the ones doing the work. Think about how you can support them and make their lives easier.  If you don’t do this, who will?

Third – Have fun.  Life will never be the same again.  Your attitude and how you approach the job are in your control – use it wisely.  You will have to grow two-inch thick skin to take all of the torpedos thrown at you.  Nothing is personal – this is work, this is business.  If you don’t drive the train – who will?  Enjoy your work, but work is not everything.  Family comes first.  Smile a lot – it keeps people wondering.

All the best of luck in your new role.  I am very happy for you.


Published by LeadersTips

What does it take to be a leader? How can you gain practical experience and knowledge in developing your leadership style and attitude? You do this one experience at a time, one spoonful at a time. Gary J. Vien has over 40 years of deep leadership experience living and working in seven states, from coast to coast. Over the years he has written many life quotes, leadership maxims and stories in a 6 by 9 inch brown, blank journal his father gave him. Now he opens his journal and begins to share the wisdom and writings of the times. Read, practice and enjoy these LeadersTips from the little brown journal...

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